ActiverecordDataImporter is enable to load and import file (format is csv, json) for ActiveRecord's model. For example, when you must use and import master data(ex. game character, enemy, and item stc), it will help you.
This gem provides a converter between an existing JSON file and an existing CSV file. The Mapping is provided via YAML.
Turn your json, csv, md, or strings into grocery lists that you can then search for.
a tiny read/write dot notation wrapper for Hash, JSON, YAML, CSV, and ENV
Turnstile is a Redis-based library that can accurately track total number of concurrent users accessing a web/API based server application. It can break it down by "platform" or a device type, and returns data in JSON, CSV of NAD formats. While user tracking may happen synchronously using a Rack middleware, another method is provided that is based on log file analysis, and can therefore be performed outside web server process.
Converts the json data from surrey traffic loops API into CSV.
Convenience methods for reading CSV, TSV, & JSON files
This set of commands converts a CSV file to the following formats: - .strings (iOS) - .xml (Android) - .json - .php
Easily view SNMP tables in a variety of different formats including as a table in the terminal, json or csv.
# EventReporter EventReporter is a CSV parser and sorter. you can load a CSV and then search it. ## Installation $ gem install the_only_event_reporter_ever $ gem list event_reporter -d ## Usage After installation run: $ event_reporter Then Type 'load <filename>' to load records from a CSV $ Load event_attendees.csv Try these commands $ Find first_name sarah $Queue Print $Queue Save to <filename> ### Saving the queue accepts extensions JSON, XML, TXT, CSV. ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request
This gem transform a csv string in a json string.
json2 takes a json file as input and outputs a clean csv.
apiify is a little gem that takes any .csv file and turns it into an API. It's aimed at large organisations, e.g. government departments, that publish a lot of data as .csv and who want a quick way to access this data as JSON in their digital services.
A customizable command-line JSON/CSV converter
Generate a JSON table schema from a CSV file
Convert a stream of json objects to csv
Use a given JSON and fields names to generate a CSV.
This Ruby lib aims at converting JSON files composed of arrays of objects (all following the same schema) into CSV files where one line equals one object.
(rM: Fixing problem with to_csv.) Gattica is a easy to use Ruby Gem for getting data from the Google Analytics API. It supports metrics, dimensions, sort, filters, goals, and segments. It can handle accounts with 1000+ profiles, and can return data in CSV, Hash, or JSON
Gem will help with converting Json to csv
This gem converts arrays of JSON objects, arrays of hashes, arrays of ActionController params, simple hashes, or ActiveRecord relations and objects to a CSV-formatted string.
A Command-Line Tool converting CSV to JSON
# MakeData A CLI for generating fake json, csv, or yaml data. Uses Faker to produce fake data in whatever category you choose. ## Quick Start Requires `peco`, so `brew install peco` (or however you get packages) ``` mkdata ``` Follow the prompts to select the category, keys, count, and format. ## Options `-h --help` Shows the help menu `-c --category [CATEGORY]` choose a category from Faker. (I can never remember these, so I use the interactive mode. Mostly here so that this could be used without interaction, like in a script) `-f --format [FORMAT]` json, csv, or yaml. What format to generate the data in. `-a --all` use all the keys from that Faker category.
This gem creates Hashie::Mash objects from YAML, JSON, CSV. Use various uses.
## Dinosaur Catalog It may not be immediately evident, but I am a huge fan of dinosaurs. They're huge and dangerous and have cool names like Giganotosaurus (not to be confused with Gigantosaurus). ... Anyway. I need to catalog some dinosaurs for my newest project, DinoDex. I've got a CSV file for the dinosaur facts, and I need the code to read all the dinosaur facts and do some basic manipulations with the data. ### Requirements Go check out the CSVs and come back. Done? Cool, I've just got a few features I need: 1. I loaded my favorite dinosaurs into a CSV file you'll need to parse. I don't know a lot about African Dinosaurs though, so I downloaded one from The Pirate Bay. It isn't formatted as well as mine, but please try to parse it anyway. 2. I have friends who ask me a lot of questions about dinosaurs (I'm kind of a big deal). Please make sure the dinodex is able to answer these things for me: * Grab all the dinosaurs that were bipeds. * Grab all the dinosaurs that were carnivores (fish and insects count). * Grab dinosaurs for specific periods (no need to differentiate between Early and Late Cretaceous, btw). * Grab only big (> 2 tons) or small dinosaurs. * Just to be sure, I'd love to be able to combine criteria at will, even better if I can chain filter calls together. 3. For a given dino, I'd like to be able to print all the known facts about that dinosaur. If there are facts missing, please don't print empty values, just skip that heading. Make sure to print Early / Late etc for the periods. 4. Also, I'll probably want to print all the dinosaurs in a given collection (after filtering, etc). #### Extra Credit 1. I would love to have a way to do (and chain) generic search by parameters. I can pass in a hash, and I'd like to get the proper list of dinos back out. 2. CSV isn't may favorite format in the world. Can you implement a JSON export feature? Happy Hunting. (Giganotosaurus was the largest hunting dinosaur, at 46 feet long and up to 8 tons! Suh-weet.)
RDF::CSV processes tabular data with metadata creating RDF or JSON output.
The ExportManager allows users to export data from dynamic tables with dynamic columns. The system provides flexibility in selecting the data to be exported and generates a CSV, JSON, Excel, or XML file accordingly.
dm-serializer allows DataMapper models and collections to be serialized to a variety of formats (currently JSON, XML, YAML and CSV)
CTG is a Ruby library that provides an interface for querying the API. It supports both JSON and CSV formats, pagination, and complex queries.
ronin-masscan is a Ruby library and CLI for working with masscan. ronin-masscan can parse masscan scan files, convert masscan files into JSON or CSV, or import masscan scan data into the ronin-db database.
ronin-nmap is a Ruby library and CLI for working with nmap. ronin-nmap can parse nmap XML, convert nmap XML into JSON or CSV, or import nmap XML into the ronin-db database.
create csv exports from the sqlite export and the export_version json
This Ruby lib aims at converting JSON files composed of arrays of objects (all following the same schema) into CSV files where one line equals one object.
Easily convert CSV and Excel sheets to JSON